Thank you for your visit. My name is Anne-Christin Plate. I am working as a visual artist at the intersection of art, illustration and animation, engaging in self-initiated and commisioned projects like films, books & community projects.


This is my first picture book, called Die Blumenfrau/ The Flower Seller.
It is published by NORDSÜD in April 2024. The book tells the story of the encounters of little Vanya and the Flower Seller, who see each other every day, until...
“With delicate strokes and soft colours, Anne-Christin Plate creates poetic pictorial worlds that radiate an atmospheric calm despite the city setting.”
Jury statement, Buntspecht Picture book competition 2022

Preview here. Order in your bookstore.

Sexability is my current animation film project. It deals with the topic of sexuality and disability. Sexability is a collaborative animation film project with artists of
Thikwa Werkstatt & Film Production Balance Film

“The project approaches a reserved subject with great sensitivity. Sexability finds ways to break taboos and myths related to the sexuality of disabled people. As an artistic medium, the animated film is suited to deal with the topic in an artistically and qualitative manner – visual and informative, without being exposing. An important project that makes an essential contribution to participation and inclusion”   Jury statement, The Power of The Arts Prize

Iktamuli is an animated autobiographical short film. The film depicts thoughts and feelings of a mother with her so called mentally disabled son. The film was screened in over fifty national and international film festivals, won prizes and most important: it helped me to turn self-pity into understanding.
producer: Balance Film, 2019
watch the film

Tony & me is a drawing series that initialized my film Iktamuli. It processes and reflects  motherhood and all the feelings for my older son, who lives with Down Syndrome, ink on paper, 2009-2015

Picture of the Day
drawing series, 2022/23

Fellinis Faces
drawing series, 2020

My things 
drawing series, 2020


are an important part of my life, various sizes and years

Mädchenfantasien/ girls phantasies
poster, screenprint with glitter, 
collaboration with Vera Nowottne, 
commissioned by Dr. Anja Schwanhäuser for DGEKW, 2022


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